Project: Fardalehill


Project status


Land acquired

Land under promotion

Planning application submitted

Planning application granted

Infrastructure commenced

Land sold to housebuilder

Sites under construction

Development complete

Fardalehill West

Land acquired

Land under promotion

Planning application submitted

Planning application granted

Infrastructure commenced

Land sold to housebuilder

Sites under construction

Development complete

Project overview

Lands Improvement submitted the application for planning permission in principle on 6 February 2009, and after an appeal it was successful on 8 May 2012, granting planning permission for up to 550 dwellings and is now under construction.

East Ayrshire Council published its Local Development Plan 2, inclusive of an allocation of the remaining Lands Improvement land for up to 800 dwellings with supporting infrastructure. The Plan was submitted to Scottish Ministers for Examination in February 2023.

Project progress

Lands Improvement has invested around £5m on implementing infrastructure on and off site to bring serviced land parcels to the market.

Lands Improvement have disposed of all consented land to Bellway Homes, with the sale of the final 240 unit parcel taking place in December 2021.

In parallel with progressing the consented land, we are also promoting adjacent land through the local development plan process. The East Ayrshire Local Development Plan 2 includes this retained land with an allocation for up to 800 dwellings with supporting infrastructure. The Plan was submitted to Scottish Ministers for Examination in February 2023 with the intention for the Plan to be adopted later in 2023.


Fardalehill is situated immediately adjacent to the western edge of Kilmarnock.

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