Project: Moorfield


Project status

Land acquired

Land under promotion

Planning application submitted

Planning application granted

Infrastructure commenced

Land sold to housebuilder

Sites under construction

Development complete

Project overview

Planning consent for employment use was secured on the estate in November 2003. While this has since expired, the site remains allocated by the council for employment uses and it is keen to see this progress further. The land was serviced in 2006, including the construction of a private estate road along with services, foul and surface-water drainage (including a pumping station), landscaping and earthworks to create development platforms.

Lands Improvement sold Phase 2 of the site (28 acres) to East Ayrshire council. The council has since developed three industrial units under European grant funding and has fully leased these out.

Project progress

The remaining 10.67 acres of serviced land from Phase 1 of the site were sold to West Ranga in May 2021. All that remains now is 14.3 acres of unserviced land (Phase 3) which is currently on the market.


Located to the west of Kilmarnock.

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